Practical after-school activities provide many benefits to learners. Activities can support social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide children with a safe and supportive environment. At Early Years Campus, we provide age-appropriate clubs that represent various creative, sports, and intellectual activities.
Pottery master classes positively affect motor skills, improve creativity, sensory development, and self-esteem, and teach to solve problems in a safe setting. Sculpting clay is a three-dimensional art; thus, it requires the child to pursue the art to understand spatial awareness. They need to move the form around; and move around the form to see all the sides and examine the piece's shape, form, and perspective.
Music lessons increase success in learning to read, develop hearing, and improve coordination of movement. Children learn to feel, be sincere and open, grow more confident, and not fear performing in front of the public. There is constant work on diction; children learn to warm up sounds, words, and sentences correctly.
Drawing for children from 2 to 3 years old is an entertaining game. The kid discovers new colors of the world, studies lines and shapes, and experiments with colors. Drawing significantly influences the child's emotional and intellectual state and develops fine motor skills.
Wushu training improves all the physical qualities of the human body, develops all muscle groups, and strengthens joints and ligaments. Wushu also carries a vast health-improving orientation. Memorizing many elements is strictly required, which creates vital muscle memory in a child. As a result, this positively affects the mental abilities of memorization and develops spatial thinking and mental reaction, which benefits academic success. Another important and valuable aspect of Wushu training is that children are taught the discipline and responsibility that leads to success in sports and life.
Football is a cooperative game. It teaches children to interact with teammates. And develops motor activity, coordination, dexterity, flexibility, attentiveness, Endurance, character, and leadership qualities. Strengthens and develops all arm muscles, legs and back.
Gymnastics is a sport that children start practicing at age of 3 or 4. Gymnastics develops flexibility, plasticity, coordination, and a sense of rhythm. Children involved in rhythmic gymnastics, or health gymnastics, become disciplined, goal-oriented, and hardworking. Therefore, gymnastics improves health, strengthens the immune system, and develops athletic character.
Robotics is an excellent skill for future career development. Introducing your child to programming through robotics will give them a perfect chance to explore a talent that could become a very lucrative career. Also, robotics teaches problem-solving skills and encourages curiosity and creativity. Aside from developing crucial problem-solving skills, robotics can also be an excellent activity for stimulating creativity and a curious mind.
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