Learning at TCC
IUIS has created a safe environment with all conditions for the comprehensive development of children and for improving their academic, physical, and creative skills on campus.
Early Learners inquiry into their world through 4 transdisciplinary themes, and within the 4 transdisciplinary themes, students explore:
Literacy (Uzbek, Russian, English),
Social studies,
Visual arts,
Physical and Social education.
Learners show an understanding of the value of speaking and listening to communicate. They recognize
that sounds are associated with objects or symbolic representations of them.
Learners show an understanding that the world around them is full of visual language that conveys meaning. They can interpret and respond to visual texts.
Learners understand that print represents the real or the imaginary world. They know that reading gives them knowledge and pleasure, which can be a social or individual activity.
Learners understand that writing is a form of expression to be enjoyed. They know how
you write and what you write conveys meaning; that writing is a purposeful act with both individual and collaborative aspects.
Learners will sort, describe and label objects by attributes and represent information
in graphs, including pictographs and tally marks. They will be able to identify, compare
and define characteristics of natural things and describe and sequence familiar events
in their daily routine.
Learners will understand that shapes have features that can
be defined and compared.
Students will develop their observational skills by using their senses to gather and record information and they will use their observations to identify simple patterns, make predictions and discuss their ideas.
Social Studies
Students will explore their understanding of people and their lives, focusing on themselves, their friends and families, and their immediate environment. They will practice applying rules and routines to work and play. They will gain an increasing awareness of themselves about the various groups to which they belong and be conscious of the systems by which they organize themselves.
Visual Art & Music
Learners show an understanding that the different forms of art are forms of expression to be enjoyed. They know that dance, music and visual arts use symbols and representations to convey meaning. They have a concept of being an audience of different art forms and display awareness of sharing art with others.
Physical and Social Education
Learners interact, play, and engage with others, sharing ideas, cooperating, and communicating feelings in developmentally appropriate ways.
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Tashkent City
- Phone: +998 71 210-99-99
- Email: info@invento.uz
- Address: Furqat street 4A, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100021.